maandag 11 juni 2007

Some words out of Place X

Hello everybody,

place X will be for ever a secret of We Ride Against Cancer, exept for the people who made me sleep here and not under the open sky. I will be forever gratefull to them, and never forget their support. Anyway, everything is OK with me. I didn't drive to much with the scooter today, but I like to drive so it's never to much. Let´s say, I didn't do a lot of kilometres. I took the time to put some things in a row an think back on my life, on the first days, on my dreams and wishes and on my illusions. Some of them are gone forever, what not means I walk with my head down. It´s for some reasons Walk On from U2 is one of my favourite songs on the Go Gear Against Cancer.

I realised it already months ago, but today I was taking some time to think about it, that some people are unforgetable, no matter what happens in your life. It's for such a people I do this road trip. It takes only one minute to close them in your heart, and to never let them down anymore. Truus was such a girl, the base of this tour. And also Meghanne Beun is such a girl. What follows is the song she wants on the Go Gear against Cancer:
Toca para mi - Alejandro Sanz because, "In a way, you always fascinated me. Allso your new project is again super I think! At the moment I'm in a very unpleasant situation. I don't like the studies that I'm doing. But when I see then how you're chasing your dreams, it gives me hope and desire for a simular challenge for me. So if people tell you how crazy or even foolish you are to come to Belgium by scooter, just keep in mind that from time to time, I would love to be in your place! Yo te quiero oir, quiero formar parte de tu locura!!! Big kiss honey"!Meghann
With this next video I want to honour all the people I close in my heart forever, and all the students with dreams in a difficult situation now. Place X will forever be their place. The video comes later

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