I am really serious, for the first time in my life I feel what stress and adrenaline can do with a person. 16 hours left before I feel the wind blowing, me further and further away of Barcelona, the city of my dreams. I have to say, I will miss this town, the people and the weather. But it's a one in a lifetime chance who comes reality. I dreamed about it, and now it's real. Life is not only for people who are realistic, dreamers can makes thing happen.
I said goodby here to the people I had to see before I leave and now I have to arrange some things for tomorrow. But the webpage and the blog are fine. I am glad that I have something to look forward.
Tomorrow the big thing will be leave the city centre. Then I will take the N-II who brings me to Badalona, Mataró, Arenys de Mar. A beautiful road next to the see before taking the country side to Girona and Figueras to go back to the city of Rosas. I am sure I will sit at the beach tomorrow, listening to the Go Gear Against Cancer Music. Thinking back to the time when it al started for me here, on a holiday with my parents.
In the morning I will try my scooter, preparing myself for a last party here and at 16.00h I will leave. Every day I will do my messige on this blog about one of my favourite songs. Today it's Kite of U2. Because I don't know wich way the wind will takes me, but even if i say goodbye tomorrow and look back for one last time, I will say "see you back, but not yet, not yet".
Ciao Joachim