maandag 18 juni 2007

I am sorry to thell you this!

It hurts me to say that tonight the We Ride Against Cancer road trip is finished. On the surveillance video of the youth hostel we see that at three minutes after ten my scooter is robbed. Not more than five minutes before I was downstairs to search for a bar, some minutes before my room mate came upstairs after his diner, and saw my scooter. I putted my scooter for a reason in the view of the youthhostel, a quiet place.
It meens I will arrive tomorrow in Begium. I want to thank everybody who believed in the project, and supported me from the beginning.
I wanted to give a message of solidarity to everybody I knew. And getting people so far to start other things. I believe that only things can happen with people who do something. When I didn't made that tour they wouldn't have stolen my scooter. I feel a little pitty that I can not arrive at the Doka cafe on a scooter. But I feel fine if there is a party because something is moved to support the Child Cancer Foundation.
I am grateful to all the people who made this road trip possible. I hope this is not the end of supporting the project but a reason to continue. We all knew it was a great challenge and that it would be difficult. I mend it in the way of safety on the road and find the motivation to go on after problemes. I didn't mend it in the way of be stolen the scooter. I believe in the goodness of every person, and I didn't want to think aboat be stolen something. I felt safe on the road and I am happy I had the chance to see a lot of Europe. The wonderful views are forever in my mind and the good memories I will never forget. I is at least something they can't take away.
I am not about crying, or I am not depressive. I went to the police and I did everything I could. I will not arrive in Belgium on a scooter, but for sure I will arrive as a person who saw and learned more than before he left. This is a sad message, but wrote by a person who still can laugh.
Even in the bad periods try to keep your head up high, a message to everybody and a support for all the people who suffer from cancer.

Joachim Vercaigne

Actions and Reactions

I already said it before but without the support of other people this road trip would be a lonely foul who drives a scooter from Barcelona to Belgium. But with the solidarity of other people this project can become something nice. So it becomes time to put some other people in the picture.

In the first place Wim from café Doka who said right from the beginning that the arrival in his bar was no probleme and he gave his support to make something nice of it. You guys have to come to make it a nice and special evening. I am very grateful to Wim for his support.

The dog school in Langemark gives from no on ten cent each drink to the We Ride Against Project, the money goes of course to the Child Cancer Foundation. I want to thank everybody there for the support.

The bakeries in Merkem, they give the pistolets for the bbq. The butchers give the meat. I will thank them all for their support.

One day I send a message to Stan, a friend of my during the exams. It is years ago but he still has the message. I told him that if I want something I can go true a wall if it is necessary. The reactions of some people who send an e-mail I want to put here. Because it is because of this reactions I really can and will drive true a wall if it is necessary. Or during hard times still find the motivation to go on. Thanks for the support.

Een fantastisch idee waarvoor veel moed en durf voor nodig is! Dikke proficiat! Stefaan Rousseeuw

Ik stond verstom, bleef aan mijn stoel genageld. Hoe is het mogelijk! Dat jonge lieve ventje, kleuter, peuter, schooljongetje, eerste, plechtige communicantje, student en nu ! Een grote idealist ben je!. Dat bewonder ik in jou. Zr. Rosaline MPI Klerken

Zo zul je zeker in de hemel geraken, en ik weet van meneer Danneels uit Mechelen (hij heeft een directe telefoonlijn naar de baas van de ‘hemel’ (of was het ‘café “In den Hemel”)), dat je daar je rijstpap zult mogen eten aan tafel naast Modder Teresa. Smakelijk ! Ortwin Debels